Current partners

  • Office of the Kurdish Regional Government in Paris (KRG); KRG offices in Erbil and Duhok;
  • French Senate represented by Senators Gérard Larcher, President of the French Senate; Bruno Retailleau Chairman, and Jacky Deromedi secretary of the Senatorial group “Groupe de liaison de réflexion, de vigilence et de solidarité avec les Chrétiens d’Orient et les Minorités”;
  • l’Oeuvre d’Orient;
  • Fondation du Grand Orient de France
  • Délégation aux droits des femmes (Women’s right group) in the French Parliament;
  • Sponsors and Private donators;
  • Humanitarian groups and partners: Innocence en Danger, ASDOH France, D.D.M Duhok, Barzani Foundation in Erbil;
  • Babylon Media Group in Erbil;
  • RFI
  • Association Léo Lagrange, Fondation de France